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Tomboy online

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Sunday , 5 October 2008

First release

Here we go , this the first release of Tomboy online.You can download the code here every thing is under AGPL.

Right now Tomboy online lets you consult a note and navigate through them.The list is sortable by title and by modified date , you can also search in title and content.A demo version is available here : demo

To install (PHP 5 required) :

  • download the source on
  • copy all files in your webserver root directory or any directory you want
  • ensure that your webserver as the ability to write into log/
  • copy all your tomboy notes in the note/ directory , there are stored in /home/user/.tomboy on linux machine

It should work

For the design I was inspired by sandy's mockup. I am not a webdesigner , anyone is welcome to help for a better look.

Tomboy online is based on small PHP framework written by myself and uses XML files as data storage.The framework is based on MVC design pattern and tries to avoid as much as possible high coupling between classes.I did different experiment and I am quite happy with the current solution.I used a parser to translate tomboy's XML note to HTML. It's base on lexer.php which comes from simple test. lexer.php offers tools to easily manage regexp. I read a lot lately about unit testing and Test Driven Developement, which I started to apply to this project. It explains why there are test for some class but not all. That's something I'll try to work on. I choose simple test for testing , it seems natural to me as I used a part of it in the project.

For any problems , bugs please use services : tomboyonline

Tomboy online

Here is the story behind tomboy online.

As you know (or not) I am a web developer , working mainly with PHP. In the beginning of 2008 I started looking at different PHP Framework as I believed one will help me get rid of boring task in building web application .I figured that was a good idea to improve my skills and keep track of what's going on in the community. I also have a tendency to reinvent the wheel , so i thought to my self why not starting building a basic framework, It's a great way to learn and get a better understanding of how things work. Here is the beginning, but what next ? I needed a project to use this framework.

I needed something that would be useful to me to keep the motivation. I always loved tomboy , a note-taking application. One thing keep bothering me , I could not access my notes when I was not sitting at my personal PC. So I decided to create a small web application to be able to view my notes online, and it hasn't been done yet.

Check Tomboy online